Monica Popescu

Professor and William Dawson Scholar of African Literatures in the Department of English
McGill University

Monica Popescu is Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar of African Literatures at McGill University. She is the author ofSouth African Literature Beyond the Cold War(which won the 2012 Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities) andThe Politics of Violence in Post-Communist Films. Her bookAt Penpoint: African Literatures, Postcolonial Studies and the Cold War will be published in September 2020 by Duke University Press, in the series “Theory in Forms.” She co-edited a special issue of theJournal of Postcolonial WritingonAlternative Solidarities: Black Diasporas and Cultural Alliances during the Cold War (2014) as well as a special issue of Research in African Literatureson African Literary History and the Cold War. Together with Katie Zien and Sandeep Banerjee, she is the Series Editor for the Routledge Series in Cultures of the Global Cold War.
